L’art abstrait à vol d’oiseau at the FeliXart Museum

Around fifty works of art from the rich collection of the Ixelles Museum are on display at the FeliXart Museum until 2021, including “Le Pigeon”, painted by Felix De Boeck in 1927. This pigeon, along with other abstract works, returns home to Drogenbos, barely 7 km as the crow flies from the capital. It is also an opportunity to see again the very beautiful oil by Mig Quinet “Terres séparées” presented at the Ixelles Museum in 2013 during the exhibition “Mig Quinet, Abstraction faite” dedicated to this artist. But also works by Flouquet, Lismonde, Gaston Bertrand and many other great Belgian artists.
” L’Art Abstrait à vol d’oiseau” to be seen at the FeliXart Museum, Kuikenstraat 6 in 1620 Drogenbos – Tel : 02/377.57.22 – https://felixart.org
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