Evelyne Axell at the Museum of Fine Arts in Rennes

This great feminist exhibition dedicated to the Creators is an event in more than one way. Favoring a thematic approach over a long period, it highlights the emancipatory function of art, like Niki de Saint Phalle who gave the “power to the Nanas”.
More than 80 works unfold through five big questions:
How to be free from its feminine condition by braving the taboos, in the wake of Camille Claudel and Orlan? How can self-representation take on a political dimension in favor of the recognition of women painters, as shown, for example, by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun in the eighteenth century?
How to be reborn from the violence experienced – sexual or political – by “becoming an artist”, as initiated by Artemisia Gentileschi?
And it is not up to the textile art that does not question the stereotyped vision of genres, arousing the avant-garde work of a female rebel. Last theme, rarely explored in exhibitions, the issue of spirituality in art, which is a source of creative energy for many artists in the wake of the visionaries of the Middle Ages. From this exhibition emerges the tremendous innovative contribution of women, through the use of new materials and a radical creative freedom.
In partnership with the Brest Museum of Fine Arts, La Criée Center for Contemporary Art, Les Ateliers du Plessix-Madeuc and the Yvonne Jean-Haffen Museum, City of Dinan.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog written by Marie-Jo Bonnet, curator of the exhibition, published by Éditions Ouest-France.
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