7 Arts – Belgian avant-garde

In 1922, five young people formed the basis of a veritable artistic front in Brussels: Pierre and Victor Bourgeois, poet and architect respectively; Pierre-Louis Flouquet, painter; Karel Maes, painter and engraver; Georges Monier, composer.
Passionate defenders of “Plastique Pure”, inspired by the theories of the Bauhaus or other innovative international movements such as Italian Futurism, Russian Constructivism, Dutch Neo-plasticism or French Purism, they created the movement and the magazine 7 Arts.
7 Arts does not stop at the field of painting, but covers all artistic disciplines: painting, sculpture, literature, music, cinema, decorative arts, all intended to resize, integrate, enhance architecture and urbanism.
The weekly magazine 7 Arts will impose itself as a real sphere of influence in promoting this breath of artistic modernity, not only in Belgium but also throughout Europe and until 1929.
The CIVA celebrates the innovative dynamism of these 5 artists by opening its rooms to a very beautiful exhibition devoted to 7 Arts. In addition to works or documents from the time of the five founders, the exhibition gives pride of place to other big names in Belgian architecture or art such as Marcel-Louis Baugniet, René Magritte, Victor Servranckx, Félix De Boeck , Huib Hoste, Jean-Jacques Gaillard, Jozef Peeters, Stanislas Jasinski and many other artists of this avant-garde.
Come and see the exhibition 7 Arts – Belgian avant-garde until 9 August at CIVA, Rue de l’Ermitage 55, 1050 Brussels (https://www.civa.brussels/en)
During your visit to the exhibition, go through the museum shop, where you can discover our Flouquet tote bag.
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