Unisex Water Green "Poisson curieux" T-Shirt With Long Sleeves
65,00 € -
Unisex White "Poisson curieux" T-Shirt
55,00 €
Josse Goffin

Josse Goffin was born in Brussels in 1938. Author of countless drawings, posters, illustrations in children’s books, graphics etc. His universe, marked by poetry and humour, nourished an abundant production in the field of commercial and cultural communication, publication of silk-screen prints and works for young people. From 1987, he created books for children which were published internationally and were awarded numerous distinctions one of which was the prestigious Bologne Fair graphic art prize in 1992. His art, evidence of clarity, imagination and candour, has been displayed in several personal exhibitions in Europe and in New York and he has received numerous tributes in the press. Between 1977 to 2004, Josse Goffin taught narrative and comic drawings in the graphic art communication workshop at the Cambre in Brusses, instituion in which he himself had graduated. From the beginning of the 2000s, his free of copyright images were exhibited in art galeries and other exhibition venues. His works were also published in art and poetry books. In 2010 « Josse Goffin – Inventory » was shown on the occasion of a retrospective of his works at the Centre of Art, Rouge-Cloître in Brussels tracing his career in graphic art, poster designer and author/illustrator of books for young people edited by Racine Editions (Belgium). In 2013 « Josse Goffin, conversation with Vincent Baudoux » was published by Tandem Publishing (Belgium). Josse Goffin lives and works in Brussels.